Voting in Virginia

Registering / Voting / Absentee Ballots

For details on the voter registration, voting, and absentee ballot process, see the Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT) web site or contact your local county/city General Registrar of Voters.

You may register to vote online with the Virginia Department of Elections by clicking here.  You can download a paper voter registration application from the Virginia ELECT by clicking here.  Voter registration forms are also available at many government offices, DMV, libraries, and post offices.

Voting Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to vote in Virginia, you must meet these requirements:

  • Be a resident of Virginia (A person who has come to Virginia for temporary purposes and intends to return to another state is not considered a resident for voting purposes)
  • Be a U. S. Citizen
  • Be 18 years old (Any person who is 17 years old and will be eighteen years of age at the next general election shall be permitted to register in advance and also vote in any intervening primary or special election)
  • Not be registered and plan to vote in another state
  • Not currently declared mentally incompetent by a court of law
  • If convicted of a felony, your right to vote must have been restored

(Source:  Virginia Department of Elections)
